Sunday, May 18, 2008


lmp: 5/17/08

thats all i have to say about that.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

i hope this is the month.

any day now i should be starting my period. i hate waiting to know. i want to just take a test, but afraid i'm gonna jinx it.
i hope this is the month.
hubs birthday is this saturday and i will probably take one then. what a great bday present for him, if i am pregnant.
i hope this is the month.
i had cramps last friday evening and thought i would be starting. but nothing yet, and its been almost a week since any cramps.
i hope this is the month.
there are a lot of exciting things going on right now. selling our house (hopefully), hubs getting a contract (hopefully), and trying to get pregnant (hopefully).
i hope this is the month.

edc:1/15/09 (if preggo)

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