Wednesday, April 30, 2008

answer to my issue... well sorda...

i got the call last week from my doctors office and they said that we can go ahead with still trying to get pregnant. they said the pap came back "atypical" but wasn't as bad as last year in april when I first got my abnormal one. so I guess dr. vendola wasn't too worried about it. my next appointment is in july which we will be looking at fertility issues if I'm not pregnant by then.

which is my next issue. we've been trying to get pregnant for 8 months now with no success. only took two months with my first child. we just started using the ovulation test strips this month and i'm on day 21 with no positive reading yet!! doesn't everyone ovulate when they have normal cycles? my cycles are normally around 32 days, so you'd think i would have ovulated by now. well, i guess now we'll see what comes first, a postive ovualtion test, a positive pregnancy, or a visit from aunt flo.


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