Sunday, November 2, 2008

"Other" lab work that was done

Hubby had his Semen Analysis done on Tuesday October 7th and everything came back on that within normal limits. It was probably a better experience for him than what we had imagined. He got to "the deed" at home in the morning and then drive to the hospital lab to drop it off there. The requirements were:

  • "it" had to be in a glass container - we used a baby food jar, lol
  • "it" had to be shielded from daylight - we wrapped the jar with foil
  • "it" had to stay at room temp - he kept the bottle between his legs on the way to the hospital lab.
  • "it" had to be at the lab within 30 minutes - so we timed things out right that he would do the deed, go to the lab, and then off to school.
Sounds complicated, huh? It was kinda. But I think it made it worth it to be able to this at home, rather than in some Doctor's office.

And the hubs was very happy to see that the lab report came back good. He "knew" his boys were good. LOL!


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