Thursday, May 14, 2009

27 week appointment

I had a doctors appointment yesterday and it went well.

I only gained 1 lb. since my last appointment 4 weeks ago! So I think I'm up 14 lbs. total. What a difference from when I was pregnant with Lukas and gained 40 lbs. total! I don't think Ill be getting to that weight with this pregnancy, or at least I hope not, with only 13 weeks left. GAH!
My starting weight was 140 lbs. and now I'm at 154 lbs.

My blood pressure was good.

Baby's heartbeat was good and steady. He didn't say what the rate was.

And belly measurement is right on.

I did mention the heartburn that I am having 2-3 times a day, pretty much after anything I eat. And he told me to take Mylanta or even Zantac. I think Ill be picking up some at the store today and hopefully that will keep it away.

I do have an appointment next Wednesday at the hospital lab for my Rhogam shot at 28 weeks. At that same time I will have my Glucose testing, CBC blood work, and urinalysis.

And then I start my frequent flyer visits here shortly. I go back every 2 weeks now! Thats when it hits me that its getting close! Yikes!

I better have Tony get the clothes down from upstairs in the attic, so I can go through them and wash them all. Ill select which clothes I want for Brady and the rest we will set aside for a (hopeful) garage sale this summer.

Im picking up a large letter 'B' at JoAnn's today to be painted dark brown and go in his room. Im also trying to decide how to incorporate some other artwork on his walls. As much as I love these large circles on his walls, its hard put things on his walls. I might have to paint over a couple of these yellow circles, not sure.


jenny said...

glad to hear everything went well. sorry about the heartburn - ick. i can't wait to have #2 and go through all the clothes and have a monster rummage sale - haha! :)

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