Friday, December 12, 2008

499 is my new lucky number

Change of plans here... Its Friday December 12th and I'm not going to have the surgery on Wednesday December 17th. "What?!?!" you say? Yes, thats right. Because I just found out that I am PREGNANT!!
My last period was November 4th (Election Day) and I did get a positive ovulation on Sunday November 30th. So I figured I would be starting my period this weekend, just in time to let me know of a negative pregnancy before the surgery. They were going to do a pregnancy test anyhow on the day of surgery just in case. Well today I got brave and thought I'd try it out for myself. Kind of knowing that it might not show up yet even if I was pregnant. And the results were a very faint line. Enough to see that it was a line though. And from experience, I know that a faint line IS a line, meaning positive pregnancy.
I called the doctors office to have them order a bHCG, so I could see for sure. I went and had that drawn this afternoon, but should take 3-4 hours. I just figured I would check with the lab when I get into work tonight and get the results then. So I went home.
Later in the evening, I thought I would take another pregnancy test, just to see if the first one was a fluke. Don't worry, these aren't the expensive store bought tests, these are the small dipsticks that labs and doctors offices use that I bought in bulk off ebay. Once again it did have a very faint line. So I was pretty convinced that this might actually mean I'm pregnant. Of course I knew I was still in waiting game to see what the bloodwork says.
I left for work at 7:30pm and went up to the lab to get the results.

bHCG: 499

Thats a positive pregnancy test folks. Anything greater than a 5 is pregnant.
By ultrasound we usually would expect to see a pregnancy (meaning just a gestational sac and a yolk sac) when the lab value is at least 1800. And in the 1st trimester, the bHCG will double every 2 days. So now I can't even believe that I might even see my pregnancy on ultrasound, say like Tuesday or Wednesday!!! Crazy!
So I also figured out my due date according to my LMP. The due date will be August 11, 2009 according to our charts here at work. Just in time for back to school! LOL! But thats okay. We are soo very thankful to God for making this happen without having to go through surgery. It was in his hands and in his timing all along.


Anonymous said...



Nicole said...

I'm so happy for you. SO happy. :) Congratulations!!

Jessica said...

I knew your due date would be close to mine with Lucas. I was 8 weeks pg when we told our parents at Christmas that year. My EDD was August 5th, and I had him July 28th.

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