Thursday, January 22, 2009

11 week update

Feeling pretty good so far. Not much to complain about as far as morning sickness or nausea. One complaint that I will have is fatigue. I have been sooo tired and blah feeling. I had started working out in the mornings when I get out of work back in October, and have canceled my membership for now. Im hoping this will pass soon and can get back to walking on the treadmill and doing some elliptical training. But for now, when I am done with work in the morning, I just want to pass out. My eyes are soo heavy and I am soo tired! I think I will mention something to the doctor next time I go in. Not sure if someone should be this fatigued!

I remember that I got pretty fatigued with Lukas as well. I would come home from work and take a 2-3 hour nap!! I was even so tired one day after work that I fell asleep driving hom and rear-ended someone! NO joke! I was about 20 weeks pregnant and was driving home from Lansing when I worked at Sparrow Hospital. Fortunately the incident didn't happen until I was about 5 miles from home and on a road that is 25 mph, not 70 mph! Everything ended up being okay with that, but its just scary to think about that I can become that tired and fatigue, that it caused an accident.

Anyways, 11 weeks now and Im hoping to get a picture tonight of the bam-beano. I'll update with it when the desktop computer is willing to scan it for me. :)


Nicole said...

Thats terrible about your accident. Hopefully nothing happens like that again! I'm sorry your so tired, hopefully it will pass and you can start walking again. I need a Nike+ buddy :)

Mary said...

Great pictures!
I was 10x more tired/fatigued during this pregnancy than I was with Thomas the first time! Back in December they put me on an iron supplement because my iron was real low which was causing crazy fatigue then!
That's terrible about your accident!
I'm guessing girl already........heart rate 171.......I'm going with girl. With my two boys it was always lower than 160. Will you find out?

Brandy said...

I hope your fatigue goes away soon. It probably doesn't help when you have a toddler to keep up with. I love the ultrasound pictures. I'm at 20 weeks and had my ultrasound on THursday. I'm hoping to scan them and post them on my blog.

jane said...

I remember that overwhelming tiredness. I was due with Grace on the 10th of August and I had her on the 4th. It is nice having a newborn in the fall.

Micki said...

I hope you start to feel better soon!!! I can't imagine being pregant but i bet its the best feeling in the world:) i cannot wait to see the pictures when he/she comes:)

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