Friday, March 27, 2009

leg cramps

I got my first leg cramp while sleeping today. It woke me up out of my sleep. Fortunately I remembered to flex my foot, so it went away quickly.

I remember when I was pregnant with Lukas I would get 2-3 of them a night! And it was always hard for me to remember in the dead of sleep to point or flex my foot to make them go away.

Im gonna have to look up and see what causes them and what can prevent them.
So far Ive heard that calcium (milk) causes them and potassium (bananas) can help prevent them.
If you have any insight on this or recommendations on what has helped you, let me know. Ive got 20 weeks left and am not looking forward to already getting these leg cramps in the night.


jenny said...

i don't have any insight for you, but i feel for you! any cramp that would wake you up has to be horrible! hope you find relief soon.

K.M.L said...

From having so many leg surgeries, I get them all the time. The thing that works for me is drinking a TON of water, stretching and not having too much milk or soda. When it happens, I flex my foot/leg and get up from the couch or bed to have more blood go down to that area. I hope that helps....they are never fun!

Brandy said...

I get leg cramps as well. They are no fun. I have heard that bananas will help. I also heard from some reliable sources to lightly rub olive oil on your legs. I keep forgetting to try it but I have heard positive feedback.

AshleyB said...

yeowch!! I haven't gotten those, but I did read somewhere in all my million pregnancy articles I get via email, that potassium helps. I do get foot cramps once in a while right in the arch of my foot though if I curl my toes. Wonder if that can be helped by the same things. I hope you find something that works!

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